

8月5日(日) 午後6時より西公民館において
国際青少年キャンプの さよならパーティー が催されました。

私は、乾杯の挨拶を頼まれていましたが ・・・・・
明らかにビールが冷たさを失っていくのを見てとれたので (^O^)/

用意していた挨拶の 3/4 をカットし ・・・・・

Good evening. And Guten Abend.
Dear young friends, I am Tomoyasu Ikegami.
Chairperson of Warabi municipal assembly.
On behalf of Warabi municipal assembly,
I would like to give a few words.

I met you at City Hall on July 30.
Do you remember me?
I remember you well, too.

By the way,
Dear young friends,
How was the homestay in Warabi-City?
And were you able to enjoy the camping for four days
in Katashina-Village?
I think, everybody was able to spend very very wonderful time.

And for some reasons I leave something out after that.  (^O^)/

Ladies and gentlemen !

Let's make a toast with everyone.
I hope your health and happiness of young people.
The toast three times.
English, German, Finally in Japanese

Are you ready?
English first. Let the toast in a loud voice. Cheers!
Second time. German.   Prost!
Finally, in Japanese. カンパ~イ!

Thank you.

手際のよさに、日本人も、アメリカ人も、ドイツ人も ・・・・・
皆さん 大喜び してくださったことと 確信している 次第であります (^O^)/


Posted by iketomo at 11:27Comments(0)